

December 25, 2024

christmas was meh

sophia’s first christmas - she doesn’t understand it yet so i had to open her gifts for her but she got lots of toys from us and my mom. what did my bfs mom get her? nothing. she gave her a silver coin she had lying around in a drawer. fucking loser. can’t buy something new and fun for her. this is your time to shine you always buy sophia shit no one wants her to use without asking us. now you wanna give her a coin? to do what with bitch she’s 10 months old. so weird. i can’t. my bf was pissed off too and kept calling her scrooge mcduck 🫢 

today was okay. i’m happy for sophia and her presents but today was off. i was in a bad mood cuz the mom always puts me there and my bf is down cuz his other daughter is back in the hospital again. they can’t seem to pinpoint what’s wrong so she keeps leaving the hospital and going back. her going back on christmas day worried him and made him depressed. so he didn’t end up coming to my moms later. i took sophia alone. 

weird ass mom makes me so mad. i’ve never had someone make me as mad and annoyed as she does. i’ll never stop complaining. i’m sitting in sophia’s room with her looking at the polaroid i got for christmas and his mom comes over and stands in front of the baby gate. already awkward. she climbs over it and just sits there on the floor with us randomly. it’s so uncomfortable cuz i refuse to talk to her. so she’s just sitting. there in the floor with us and i just get on my phone and start complaining to my mom via text. like she knows i don’t like her   was that shit on purpose? cuz wtf. finally she leaves and i realize she has shoes stepping all over sophia’s new rug. i don’t want shoes on in her room. i wanna keep the room nice and clean unlike the rest of the house. just everything she does pisses me off. i know she pisses bf off often too because sophia gave me her cold so i felt like shit. i was laying in bed and he took care of the breakfast feeding her etc. he comes back in and was like “god i wish you were out there with us” im like “why was sophia crying a lot?” he’s like “no. just hovering. my mom always hovering and won’t move. like no one feels good say hi and leave.” i said again this is why i hate going out there in the morning. she always has to hover and linger around in the way. it sucks cuz i like having my little family time in the morning with sophia and bf but the fucking mom alwaysssss has to be out there. in sophia’s face. standing around constantly. just back off for five minutes at least. so she put me in a bad mood. don’t get me started on the sitting arrangements when the food was time. i barely ate and waited to eat at my moms. 

done ranting about that old b. i got a polaroid camera for christmas (already have a mini one but wanted a full size one), 100.00 sephora gift card, a kuromi led night light, 50.00 victoria’s secret gift card coming, new vanity coming for christmas/bday, a dress and skirt. sophia got so many toys she so far really likes this cube thing my mom got her and these pop up animals that make sound. i feel like next year she’ll be close to 2 years old and might understand how presents work a bit better. i feel like i like the days leading up to christmas more than actual christmas day. so that’s over now we have new year coming up and i think we’re gonna stay in and do lobster and oysters maybe. can’t exactly go out to party now since sophia but we’ll make it a family one for sophia’s first new year. i can’t believe she’s going on to be 1 year old soon. baby girl is growing up. she’s been talking a lot and saying “baby” and “mama”. she says “may-me” instead of mommy but we’re working on it. she’s so close to actually talking. i don’t know if she understands the meanings of what she’s saying yet. 

in so tired i kept sneezing last night and didn’t sleep much. sophia got us all sick with her cold. im just glad hers is starting to go away it was awful when she couldn’t sleep and cried every 10 mins cuz she couldn’t breathe out her nose. 

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