

May 11, 2024

the ac battle

so as i said previously it was set and she changed it again in less than 2 hours. conveniently when my bf comes home, it’s set back down to “78” (still was suppose to be 77) but the fact is she turned it down when he got home so that he’d think it was on all day so he wouldn’t scold her over it. what a weirdo!! acting all sneaky and changing it to 80 then changing it back down when he gets home to not “get talked to” about it. sneaky and just weird behavior. so after ranting, crying and complaining to my mom and my brother today about it we decided to check it out to see if maybe it’s at a setting that keeps it 80. before i blow up and make a big production to her and my bf i wanna make sure it’s not her turning it down and it’s just set to go to that temp. well she comes up to my bf tonight and mentions it. she’s like “oh are you guys still hot back there?” (our side of the house). ummmmm you KNOW we are that’s why i keep turning it down. you are obsessing and turning it back up after me on purpose!! stop acting like you just didn’t realize. you realize cuz you’re doing it every single time. then she’s like “well i guess i’ll just have to be cold then” yea bitch better get your sweater on. wtf man. i care about my baby not you. she needs to be comfortable and safe in the house i don’t give a fuck what you feel. she should WANT to turn it down FOR the baby. just cares about her own needs. also 77 is not cold. πŸ˜’ 

so tonight i made it 77. if she changes it again to hot ass 80 i’m going to blow the fuck up. i’ll put setting on it to make it go down to 77 every time cuz she won’t know how to change it back. we’ll see what happens tomorrow but im not gonna stay in this house if she keeps doing this. i hope this is the end of the ac battle cuz i’m tired of talking about it and im tired of the drama and stress. 

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