

April 6, 2024

rough 3 nights

i didn’t think i was gonna survive that 3rd night of her not sleeping. waking up every 5 mins or less, moving around, crying, nothing working. i was so fucking tired man i almost went to my car and just sat there in silence at like 4am. last night was a lot better. my bf had a show i wanted to go to but i was so exhausted from lack of sleep i chose against it. i stayed home instead. my mom watched sophia for a few hours and i passed out. woke up and she helped me give her a bath. she went to sleep but kept waking up every minute. i got the pacifier and just kept getting up to give it to her and she’d fall right asleep but wake up ever min and the cycle continued until i left the room for a while. i’d check back in on her and she was sleeping every time. she must have felt my presence or some shit. bf came home and we talked to my mom til like 3:30am then sophia woke up and i changed her and fed her. put her back to bed and she was asleep but moved around a lot so i felt iffy about sleeping. so bf and i ate popcorn and just talked quietly. finally went to bed at 5am. she woke up at 7:30am and i fed her and changed her etc. put her back down and so far she’s still asleep but sometimes tossing and turning. i want to take advantage of her sleeping but like yesterday day time i couldn’t sleep. even tho i have no had a nice normal amount of sleep in so long i still can’t. 

but either way, today my bf and i are taking her to the park for more stimulation. gonna try to get her to stay awake most of the day so she’s worn out by night time and will hopefully sleep the whole night. cuz she’s been sleeping all day not night. her hours might be flipped around. 

gonna try again to sleep a bit bed she and he are up for the day. 

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