

February 28, 2024

no appt today

tried taking baby girl to her dr appt but got turned away because i haven’t switched her insurance company over. it hasn’t even been 30 days yet i should have still been seen. got into my first real argument with bf this morning over it in the car since she was born. he asks me why i haven’t called or mentioned that we had to call but i have mentioned it once before. also sorry that shit isn’t on my mind right now. literally i’m getting barely any sleep and i am dealing with my baby. calling or talking about insurance slips my mind. annoying me i told him to cry a river about it 😂 luckily it’s all sorted out and her plan switch is in progress and should be good to go for her new appt on friday morning. i was suppose to call the front desk girl back about it after but i couldn’t figure out how to. tried calling the number but it took me some where weird so hung up. she ended up calling today so i’ll call her back tomorrow 🙄 hate calling and talking in the phone. such anxiety over it. that’s why i hadn’t called insurance until last min. 

bf wants to take baby girl to a Barnes and Noble group reading for kids this weekend. i think that’s really cute. he said even tho she won’t understand anything yet it’s good for her to be doing things like this. so we might do that and take her to the park again. 

not much sleep last night for me because she didn’t go to sleep til 4am and i had to wake at 6am to feed her. then 8am for the appt that didn’t go thru. exhausted so thank god my mom took part of the day off today and she watched her so i could sleep a little. i feel better but i notice im moodier when i sleep more than when i don’t. kinda feel moody right now but i don’t want to feel that way so im trying not to be. 

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