

January 10, 2024


back from prenatal appointment and i weigh 3 lbs more in just 5 days… ?? is this bad idk. they didn’t say anything but im scared she’s growing too fast. if so they will want to induce me even earlier on the 38th week. i guess ill find out tomorrow when i get my ultrasound to weigh her. the midwife said she was gonna ask about scheduling me to be induced on the 29th or 30th. she’s going to call the OB and ask i think. i wish they would induce me at least Feb 1. i want her to be a Feb baby for some reason. but looking like end of January unless things change. 

they had to swab my vag and ass wtf. they check for strep b or whatever that way so i had to get that done. they also had to check to see how far i am dilated and she said i am close to being dilated. when i had to take my urine sample i had to weight on someone in the bathroom and they took forever. i finally got sick of waiting and just went back to the room for a moment. all the doctors laugh and say im either “all belly” or “all baby” cuz i look regular everywhere but my stomach. i am already exhausted from 3 appts each now til delivery. 

last night we put the car seat in the car to get that prepped. it was difficult understanding the instructions it literally took me, bf, my mom and bro to figure out. it stills needs checked so we just take it to the fire department and they check it for safety. we put together the baby swing too 🥰 

edit: they called and scheduled me for Jan 29th at 8am 😭 

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