

November 14, 2023


went to my prenatal appt. last 4 week appointment, now it’s every 2 weeks. so i have another about on the 27th. then the next day i have my hair appt. so she did the usual… measuring my belly and documenting the baby’s heart rate. my belly measurement is 29cm. 26-30cm is good, midwife said she had a growth spurt. her heart rate was 141 bpm. so far everything is looking good. i gave her my blood sugar test results so far and my blood pressure. she said all the numbers are great, but the fasting ones will be looked at by the OBGYN. she thought it was weird that they never called about my appointment as well. so she said she’s gonna make the call. so she went and called them and she said if i don’t hear from them by the afternoon to call her and tell her. but they ended up calling today and i have a ultrasound appointment on Friday. she tried getting me in the closer obgyn but they called and said it was the further away one 😫 i’ll be getting up a bit earlier that morning. so the ultrasound will be measuring her growth to make sure she is not growing to big too quickly since i have GD. they’ll talk to me about possible insulin injections and medications. the medicine that i’m already taking so they’ll probably up it. we’ll see. 

busy fucking month man. Friday ultrasound appt, 23rd thanksgiving, 27th prenatal appt, 28th hair appt then my baby shower is the 2nd of dec. so i still have to get with my friend to make some of the decorations. the Friday before my baby shower we’re gonna decorate so it’s all up for Saturday. gotta get the food and put it out early on Saturday too. still haven’t gotten my baby shower dress idk what im gonna do yet. i still haven’t gotten my insurance or tag renewed since i can’t afford it right now. storage unit bill came out and so did the phone bill. so we can’t afford it right now. was trying to ask bf for help but his insurance bs is costing so much he can’t help right now. so i’m without a car for a couple weeks which sucks cuz i need it for my appts. unless my sister or bf can take me. mad my brother is still taking my car out to get food. if he gets pulled over again it’s over. 

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