

November 17, 2023

baby is measuring good

ultrasound appt this morning. so she looked at my blood sugar results so far and was super impressed with my meal numbers. she said “i love you, can we just keep you here to tell everyone else what to do”. that made me feel so much relief. the amount of times i’ve beat myself up over a spike once or twice or higher than i’d personally like. i’m doing really well with the diet. the fasting numbers she said can’t be helped because it’s hormones and stuff. so she is putting me on insulin at night before bed. i have to inject it into my stomach. wanted to start on it asap but my pharmacy had to call it in and order it. so i’ll start insulin on Monday night. 

no ultrasound pictures because couldn’t get good ones. baby Sophia was not cooperating. she had her back turned the whole time and i saw her little foot tapping. saw her spine super clearly and her head. she weighs 2 lbs and 14 ounces which they said was great. her heart rate was slower than i am use to seeing but it’s still in the normal range. 136 bpm. so it seemed as if she was sleeping or relaxing and didn’t wanna be bothered. stubborn baby. i go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound to check on her growth. she told me i was allowed to have a cheat day on Thanksgiving and just pick one bad food i like the most and stick to that then walk extra. 

so got a surprise text, well my bf did. it said “hi this is sophia” and bf was like uhhh is she texting from the womb.  my initial reacting was like sophia who? cuz i didn’t think about my childhood friend she was named after coming since she lives 3 hours away. i figured it was someone who got invited somehow. then bf was like “Sophia”  i was so shocked. she’s actually going to make the 3 hour drive and come for my baby shower. she asked about bringing her husband and 6 year old. i am so happy because again, my baby was named after her. i haven’t seen big Sophia since her wedding in like 2016. that’s so fucking nice man. part of me was dreading my baby shower but now i’m not. 

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