

November 5, 2023

27 weeks pregnant

didn’t sleep much Friday night. well, at all really. maybe 2 hours. was upset and dwelling all night as baby was kicking the hell out of me. i managed to even record her and you can see it from the outside well like Alien or something. like from midnight to 6am it was constant bumping around in my stomach. so after dealing w what was bothering me, we ran around doing some errands. i was a zombie and so tired but i managed to stay awake the entire day. went to bed at midnight. so my fasting blood sugars are still so bad. i’m sure when i test it again  in 2 hours it’ll be shitty. so need to call dr Monday and let them know in case i should come in earlier than the 14th. i hate reading stuff online cuz then it scares you. them saying do not wait past 3 days if high fasting numbers. call dr right away 😳

got invitations all sent out for baby shower. my sisters best friend was already on top of it and had already bought stuff off of my registry. i was wondering what package was sitting, waiting for me on the table. she ordered 3 items off my registry. ☺️ felt like early Christmas. damn i can’t wait for Dec and Christmas vibes. even though that means giving birth is coming up soon. i’m so scared. but i can’t wait to get my body back & be able to stop feeling like a prisoner in my body. i’ll have freedom to do more again. can get in shape by summer prob. only thing i’ll miss if they go away is D cups 😭 

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