

October 7, 2023

went to BJ’s today and i had to buy more prenatal vitamins. when my brother was checking out, the screen said we need store assistants because of an item we scanned. she came over and congratulated me and told me i look so cute. i assume she first saw we had prenatals on the list and looked at my stomach which was mostly bloating again 😭 i show little bit but can still get away with looking normal if i weren’t constantly bloated from the food, hormones and water retention. i guess it’s just how it is idk. 

my bf and i got some more halloween decorations. we’ve been buying some every weekend to build up. i also bought some resin. i’m gonna start making resin jewelry. pour the resin and mix in the hardener. pour into the molds and then it hardens like a plastic. adding glitter and decals inside. i bought some cute molds. 

Paige and my sister are coming over Thursday at 4 to bounce baby shower ideas around. i need to start planning cuz i guess im doing it beginning of Dec. no clue how to plan a baby shower but ill let them help me cuz im clueless. 
got this cute opossum ornament this weekend. i saw him a few days ago and wanted him. he looks just like my stuffed animal opossum Roadkill. 

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