we went out to walk around downtown Jensen to look at stuff people were selling and he got me this little cat thing in a shoe. and good thing i looked further into it cuz apparently it makes meow sounds when you press the hidden button. wonder how many people bought one and had no idea it did that.
we got Crawdaddys and just ordered appetizers. ordered my usual… steamed mussels and a side of boiled peanuts. okay so while we were there i noticed this girl sitting right in front of us at the next table and i’m like “she looks familiar as hell…” then i’m like “that looks like Jenni… Ryan’s brother’s wife”. but i was thinking, why would she be down here? so i glance over to get a look at the man she was with and it was Ryan’s brother. what the hell? why’s my ex bfs family eating at Crawdaddys right next to us when they live in upstate NY? i wonder if they noticed me or recognized me. i couldn’t tell. they either moved down here which i doubt or they are visiting Ryan or something, more likely. wouldn’t that be interesting if he was there too? i’d be nervous but we’d all be cool obviously. wonder why he wasn’t out with them. anyways i noticed that the 2 just sat across from each other on their phones the whole time. not saying anything to each other. is that what marriage and kids do to a couple i wondered. i said to myself nah we won’t be like that. i remember then always fighting cuz his bro is a douche and has temper tantrums. he would get so mad at losing games or mad about the tiniest shit i was surprised they were still together and she didn’t leave his ass. but apparently they’re still married. it was wild tho what are the odds??
tomorrow evening i have to drive my bf to his friends house and they’re gonna go to that show down south. sigh maybe i’ll watch the rest of that Nicholas Cage vampire movie i didn’t get to finish cuz my bf wouldn’t stop talking thru out. maybe i’ll get my mom to watch it with me tomorrow night
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