

March 19, 2023

St. Patrick’s Day

we were gonna do the golden mile from The Worlds End but Paulseidon called asking if we wanted to grab beers for St Patrick’s Day. we went to a restaurant i’ve been to like once called Castaways.
we got appetizers and beer + a  beer flight. we got jalapeño poppers, poutine & i got seared tuna. got pretty buzzed off that one drink i ordered. i think it was an IPA with 15% alcohol 😵‍💫

afterwards we stopped by the house and then went out to Meg’s house cuz she cooked a ton of food. i didn’t eat cuz i wasn’t hungry. when we walked in lots of people were there. her family, her kids and other friends of hers. i wish i was hungry cuz the food she made looked good. i was getting bored and tired honestly and just wanted to go home by this point toward the end. F.S & J.R invited us on the boat and for some bbq but i was so hungover. all because we got home and i did like 4/5 Jamo shots back to back wtf. i had a horrible headache all day long. so we stayed in bed all day and i took medicine and fell asleep. when i woke up it was gone & we went and got Arby’s. i’ve been on an anti inflammatory diet for a while now but i had to cave into my favorite fast food place just once on a recovery day. if i didn’t do those Jameson shots i’d be fine and could have partied on the boat with everyone but man i felt like shit. regret but it is what is. 

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