

December 12, 2022

went out to happy hour Sunday evening and got mussels as an appetizer before deciding to go to Mexican restaurant. I ordered a jalapeño margarita. this lady at outside the restaurant told me how beautiful I looked and asked to look at my whole outfit. it was so nice 😊 I did love my outfit. I wanna recreate it next time we go out out. 

today my sister and I got cookie dough, frosting and sprinkles to make Christmas cookies sometime this week. ew when we were at the grocery store this creepy, old man was gawking our way down the isle. then he comes up to us and says to me "I see mini skirts are back in style". my sister said "ew." and I'm like "they've been in style..." then he was about to come down our isle when paying for our stuff... then he drove down our lane as he was leaving just to stare. fucking weird ass fuck. hate men. anyways, when my bf got home from work, sister's bf came over and my family and all of us all went to see the mansion lights. 
it was way bigger and more but this is all I got

I'm super tired right now. I want to sleep soon. I made my hair appointment and of course... of. course. I couldn't get my appointment in until Jan 19th. day AFTER my birthday. I wanted to get it done before but I look at it this way. my birthday falls on a week day and I won't be out partying til the following weekend after my birthday so it'll work out okay and my hair will be done for that. since I won't have time to get my extensions in the mail before then, I'll have to buy them before I get my hair done. I'll get a color the closest shade I think I can match and ask her if she can do her best to match it. 🥴 also I think I might be getting a new phone for my birthday as well. looks like I'll prob be switching to the iPhone 14 pro. I switch back to whatever has the best camera at the time and so far the iPhone beats the new Samsung as of today. 

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