

December 14, 2022

my guinea pig is in seriously bad condition. today I saw her and noticed she wasn't moving much and just looked weird. her fur was all messed up and she looked lethargic. I picked her up and her whole stomach and back legs were covered in rough skin. I can't explain it but it was all over. so I checked her back and head and it's all rough and bumpy. I freaked out and started crying. I did more research on Google and read that Guinea pigs get lice and mites but not fleas. so weird cuz yesterday she seemed fine, weeks ago seemed fine. but maybe I just didn't notice?? 

backing up here; we took my dog Jake to the vet because he'd been scratching so badly he would sometimes bleed and his fur was coming out. the vet says it's just fleas cuz she found one on him. she told us to get a flea collar and wash him 3 x a week. we did all that. 250+ bucks later and he's still miserable, still scratching and biting... still losing hair and is looking sparse. so we were like wtf is going on. we fork over nearly 300 dollars to fix him for them to just say it's fleas. he did have some fleas, but this should not still be going on weeks later. so we were going to schedule him another fucking appt. 

forward again back to today and my guinea pig has THE SAME SYMPTOMS. google is telling me this is a mites situation. apparently the mites got onto my guinea pig and infested her entire body. it is so fucking scary. she's miserable, her skin is covered... entire body... she can't eat or drink water. I tried giving her lettuce, her fave cilantro treats... nothing. she kept going over to her water bottle but would attempt to drink it but not drink and would just wobble back over to her hide out. she's so fucking wobbly. I cried and hyperventilated a bit earlier. I'm distraught because I sat with her for hours and all I'm gathering is she's getting worse. 

I'm going to see about taking her to the vet tomorrow if they can get her in as early as they can. I'm actually going to be taking both guinea pigs in case the other is infected with me just not noticing it yet. since it wasn't noticeable until today. they must spread fast?? mites are so contagious. also getting my dog in there too AGAIN. to ask them wtf... cuz he didn't get better because it wasn't just fleas and it now spread from my dog to my guinea pig. what the fuck. weird tho that Mr Dabs is fine? but see Jake stays mostly in that room with the guinea pigs...

I'm shaking right now I'm so scared. I have a bad, bad, bad feeling she won't make it thru the night til tomorrow. she's so weak and delirious acting. isn't drinking water or eating. I can't do this right now. my guinea pigs are my life. I love them with my whole heart. I worry about them even in my dreams sometimes. I have many guinea pig dreams. I'm so stressed out and scared. I hate leaving her alone but I have to sleep so I can be awake early in the morning. my brother and sister are gonna go with me to the vet appt so I am not alone. idk what to do. I hate her suffering like this. she's just so miserable and fucked up. her entire body is just... it's terrifying. 

I don't have a lot of money either. my bf told me they have these pet care credit cards where we can pay gradually. gonna try and get one of those. otherwise idk yet how ill even pay for this. I'm praying that my pig will make it to the vet I really am. idk what else I can do but cry and periodically check on her. I don't want her feeling so fucking miserable anymore. I want the vet to give her the medicine. please God help.

I also wanna note... like my mom said, this is something out of  a Stephen King novel. get this... my bf had a dog living here that had missing hair and constantly would bite itself from severe itchiness. looked like a zombie dog tbh... she recently died about 3 months ago or whenever I wrote about it. but he tells me it's a genetic thing. UM you're telling me...this dog had sparse hair from constant biting, rough skin and living in misery from constant scratching. we move in with my pets and my dog has the same issues and hasn't gotten better since we've been here 5 months ago. never had this problem til we moved here. now my guinea pig has the same skin condition??!? no I'm not buying it. no. something is wrong here. this house must be infested still with these mites or whatever and has now targeted my pets. I'm upset. I literally ranted about this and he got offended. I'm not trying to offend I'm just telling him this is no coincidence. I just stopped arguing about it being from the dog that lived here bc I know it's from that and the mites were never treated around the home. cuz when they infest you have to kill them all over. disinfect everything. all I could do is buy new blankets for my pigs tonight and throw out the old ones. all I can do until tomorrow... :( :( 

this is truly kill my heart. my pets suffering is an awful feeling...

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