

September 6, 2022


so this is pretty rad. the youtuber I have been on contact with for a couple of weeks is going to make a youtube video about the serial killer papers my bf has and he's even going to including the backstory of how my bf got the papers and actually met the serial killer in jail. we were emailing/DMing about the meaning behind the papers and what our thoughts were. I told him I think it's a great idea to make the video because it gives viewers a chance to speculate too in the comments. so my bf and I went to FedEx and scanned these papers he's held onto for 28 years. it's gonna be really interesting to see this video and viewers input :)

I have to work Saturday dammit. I really didn't wanna do this gig cuz it's too fucking hot outside. 91f is the high today (feels like 101f).

I have been feeling better physically after being on my medication again and eating right. I've been really good about eating low carb meals and sticking to my pcos diet. as good as foods are like pastas and stuff it just isn't worth it anymore to feel so badly after. I did however have to take my meds 1x each a day instead of 3 off the bat cuz it made me so sick. I need to ease myself back on these things. so 1x each a day for a few days now yesterday I bumped it up to 2x a day. then next week I'll be on it 3x a day like I'm prescribed.

last weekend I saw Paige at the bar and she told me she was drinking diet coke and Jameson instead of ginger cuz she too is on a low carb diet. I actually went to the bar on a work day last night.  well technically it was a Holiday but my bf still had to work. we went out for a couple though last night and as I was walking into the bathroom I heard someone shouting "no" over and over and a fight or something was breaking loose and I didn't even go look. like... people love to get up and go look but I can't be bothered. (insert pick me girl.) I wanna go out for taco Tuesday tonight and see our friend play live music. I have to go do a house tour today. haven't had any luck still. it's getting bad cuz our cats have to stay in the lil trailer my bf has outside the house where my bro is staying. they are acting out, fighting and tearing things down. we gotta find a fucking house :(

also domain name has been renewed ,:D! 

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