

August 10, 2022

the amount of pure hell me and my family went through this past couple weeks is depressing to say the least. after a few days of moving, being evicted and served the papers as we were wheeling our furniture out of the house, into the truck, now being sued by the landlord, not finding a place due to 3 scams, false hope and told no cuz of bad credit and or no pets all while all of our stuff, our life is sitting packed in a moving truck outside of my bfs work in the parking lot... I gotta say I am burnt the fuck out. I'm so emotionally drained, physically exhausted and depressed to the max. moving out with a broken AC in Florida is something I don't wish on my worst enemy. it was so brutal. me and part of my family and half of my pets have been staying at my bfs and needless to say it's a packed house. my sister and her bf have been staying with her bfs grandma with 2 of our cats so at least that was 2 less people and 2 less pets to cram in this house. because the housing market sucks so bad right now, it's hard to find a place. a few years ago, bad credit? whatever. we'd find somewhere and we have. today? nope. the cost of rent has sky rocketed so much its fucking sad. landlords suck and I wanna say that now. for ours to serve us papers while we were on our way out is so fucked up. and to have his lil relative/friend aka minion drive by daily to check so he can report back is creepy as hell. being sued too. so to top it all off with being homeless for a week i gotta say that really puts a cherry on top of life right now. sue us? bitch we don't have money. so basically my family has to take this tiny house in a sketchy area with only 1 bathroom across the street from my sister's bfs grandmas. reason being is that desperation has settled in to stay. this guy doesn't give a shit about bad or good credit. he just wants someone who will pay rent on time. and with my sister and her bf chipping in this time it should be okay. it's also on the cheaper side by these days standards. 1800 a month, pets ok, bad credit ok, 3 bedroom 1 bathroom oddly but whatever. they don't wanna live there and I don't blame them. it's small but the inside is brand new cuz the guy has fixed it all up. I on the other hand don't have a place to stay there cuz there's not enough rooms... not even a garage to transform into a bedroom like we had planned. so I'm staying with my bf. he's giving me the tiny lil room next door so I can have my own lil space. basically I'll have my computer desk, dresser, dolls, Harleys and plushies set up. I was super depressed about not having anywhere to go. yea, I could live here but I never wanted to cuz he lives with other people and I need my own space or I'd go insane. but he's gonna set me up in the small side room. I'm depressed cuz I don't like separating from everyone. and I don't like to use the kitchen here cuz other people. so basically I'll be locking myself away in my bfs room to sleep and my side room by day. I'm just sad. sad that we have to live like this right now. what's also super sad is that people that claim to be best friend material failed us. failed me, my family and my bf. a friend that had an empty home while gone on vacation wouldn't allow some of my family to stay. when this said friend wasn't even gonna be home for nearly a week. cussed out my bf after he told them they hurt his feelings. it really makes you rethink who really is genuine. it's just people being all about themselves I guess. but to the friends and people that I don't even know personally that came through to lend a helping hand. props to you. I am so appreciative at some of the people who came forward and helped and then some. God damn heroes. renting a storage unit tomorrow to put most of our stuff in cuz the house they're moving into is too small. I'm sad, but we'll all be okay eventually. 

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