

July 21, 2022

i hate my life

this has got to be a test, right? I try to be positive and try to think of good changes for the future with the circumstances given right now and then the AC breaks. the AC here was making a loud noise and it startled me and it just stopped working. my sister's bf has tried to fix it but can't. like does everything bad happen all at once like this to just us or does this occur to others often? cuz I feel like everything sucks and nothing ever goes smoothly for me.  I'm just so done. it's 86 degrees in my house, 90s outside... I tried to pack today but had to take multiple breaks from heat exhaustion. no AC in Florida is just fucking dangerous. my poor pets are dying in this heat too. my guinea pigs are so miserable and I keep trying to put frozen water bottles, ice packs and damp cloths in their cage but they're just so hot. I keep switching them out cuz they melt so fast. my hamsters hot too. my dog is acting restless and my cats are sleeping all sprawled out. I'm worried about my animals.  more so my guinea pigs cuz they're not supposed to be in such hot conditions. I read they can get heat strokes. strangely my bfs house lost AC too a couple days ago. he said it's back in better working condition but idk yet. so I'm gonna take apart my guinea pig cage, bring all their stuff, put them in a bin and take them to my bfs. there's a little side room were gonna put them in. I'm going to ask my brother if I can keep my hamster in his room cuz he has a window AC unit. so basically he's living it up in the AC while the rest of us are dying of heat with the animals. I just hope that side room is cooler at my bfs than here cuz my pigs are really,  really not doing okay like this. they can't take another week like this til we leave no way. might just have to break down and tell the landlord we need it fixed cuz trying to move in this heat is brutal. last night was pretty bad. I broke down crying a bit last night and today. I just can't take anymore shitty things happening I can't. tomorrow I have to go to my friends bday dinner, then i'm going to be taking house tours on Saturday to try and find a place. still have a lot of packing to do but I got most of my stuff done except the fragiles. I just wanna be done with this. I'm tired and stressed and severely hot. my bfs bosses bf is dropping off an AC unit for us to borrow for the living room while packing. 

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