I wore my extensions out to test them to see if they'd hold up nicely through out the day. they totally did. I have had these hair extensions sitting in a drawer for a year. I hardly wore them cuz they were died harley colors. so I used a method to get rid of the dye without bleaching. I used baking soda, dish soap & 20 and 30 volume developer. had to do this twice. first time wuth the 30 vol. then second with 20 vol. it faded out the dye so fast and well. there is a hint if green and pink in it but not noticeable enough. it makes me miss my super long hair naturally tho. my hair has grown so damn much over 2 years. 2 more years and it will be to my low back again.
got my Halloween outfit. it's a satan 666 cheerleader outfit. gonna wear that and maybe use some fake blood or something idk. I can't believe it's already time for Halloween.
1 of the 2 same skirts I got that didn't fit sold yesterday. I wanna start selling more stuff. it's fun and puts that lil bit of money in my pocket.
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