

May 19, 2021

I have a list

a goal list that I need all done asap. I only have 1 checked off lmao. my car key has been broken for literally 2 or 3 years. everytime it snaps off I super glue it back into the key fob. but its: starting to no longer work that way. it looks so busted. it's super glued, packing taped, super glued with beads on it to work the buttons that now csnt function... I finally bought a new car key off of Amazon. once it arrives I have to go to a hardware store and have them cut the new key and program the key fob. this is gonna cost be about 75 - 100.00 sucks. 

I need to windshield wipers badly as well. most of my plans are to save up and get my car entirely fixed up. I wanted to get a new one... but this car is paid off and the engine is amazing still. so it's best to just fix it up.

I need to get back to my low carb eating because I am gaining weight back I definitely do not want or should have. 😞 I had lost a total of 15 lbs but went back up like 6 more. sad days. I was feeling confident so I wanna eat better again. laid off the partying a bit too. moderation is key.... omggg "key" lmfff

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