December 29, 2020
christmas was better than I thought
December 15, 2020
another stressful past few days
December 7, 2020
December 4, 2020
says all of my blocked numbers are temporarily available because of a recent emergency call i made. but i didn't make an emergency call, wtf. no emergency numbers are in my recents. i have no idea.
super tired the past 2 days. mid-week had to deal with some stressful stuff that are still unresolved. hoping to have them resolved soon. Christmas time is the worst time to be dealing with money stress ugh.
super annoyed that netflix decided to up their prices to 14 bucks a month. like come on... i really need to be able to watch the new season that should be coming at some point the Thai series The Girl From Nowhere. I MUST be able to watch that when it comes.
I just ate breakfast; ham and cheese omelet with hot sauce on top, 2 bacon pieces and fruit. I might go back to sleep a bit, my bf isn't done with errands 'til about 12 30 - 1pm. so I can sleep a bit more ;D
I miss traveling up north and seeing snow every year. Florida Christmases just aint it. but it's been nice lately with the cold weather. waiting on more people to put up christmas lights. my bf and i drive around and look at them on weekends. quite a bit re up now. there is this one house near my house that goes all out. they make it like a christmas land and actually have a real santa claus sitting out there. but since corona idk if they will have him out there this year.
November 16, 2020
good weekend
November 12, 2020
November 10, 2020
i feel so fucking depressed. i don't want to get out of bed, shower, eat much or even move. i just lay in bed all day and night the past couple of days, staring into nothing with the hours long anxiety attacks. i can't take this. i don't want to feel this way & i can't make it stop. my mind wont stop. i can't breathe sometimes over it and my vision shakes. my sister is making me some dinner 'cause it's obvious something is wrong. i'm sad, tired and feel helpless right now. pray 4 me ;[
November 9, 2020
November 5, 2020
of course the package didn't cancel and they shipped it. but I cancelled the delivery & it said they will refund me and return it so that works.
went in the hot tub again at a friends house and took out my extensions. of course left them there too I think. but maybe not and I brought them home to my bf's? don't remember but will find out after my bf is out of work tonight. I hope they're there. make things easier.
wish i could sleep this hangover off. :[
November 3, 2020
stuff to say
Halloween night was fun. EXCEPT wtf with the costume contest. Us and another group went beyond with our ideas. Neither of us won. Who won you might ask? A girl dressed as a CAT! wtf, how generic can you get. Oh wait, her ass was hanging out and she had her group of friends cheer her on so she got the loudest vote. BS man. aside from that rigged contest the night was pretty fun. I got hammered and apparently went to a cemetery after which I have no recollection of but the pics prove otherwise.
I ordered a new Instax Mini (version 11) last night and cancelled my order because I didn't want to wait 2 days. So I re-ordered it so that I can get it tomorrow instead. so fucking dumb. I never think I just always act impulsively... so now I'm paranoid that the first order won't cancel. I mean, it hasn't shipped yet. says it's preparing for shipment and that it isn't guaranteed to cancel. so I am all anxious and worried over this. I guess if I get both of them in the mail, I can return it for a refund at Kohls where they accept Amazon returns.
this election thing is happening I guess. people get mad when you don't vote. but I don't vote because they are all corrupt. I can't do it. I just can't. I feel wrong voting for either parties 'cause I just don't like either of them. I also get so fucking annoyed by the celebs that constantly tweet shit about politics. no one cares what they have to say. I have literally blocked so many celebs that don't stfu about their ideas and beliefs on politics just so I don't have to see their annoying posts. like they think they do something... everyone is allowed to voice opinions. even celebrities but god... some of them it's just ALL they talk about. & people that are like "if so and so becomes president, I'm leaving the US". it's like fine bitch. leave. no one cares.
ok I am done rating.
I cannot believe Christmas is already almost here. then my birthday, gag. I don't even want any party. I just wanna be taken out to dinner or whatever and then go out for drinks in a party dress. I don't need a decorative party like last year. let's just hope this year I don't fall off a fucking chair and dislocate my arm again. 😁
November 1, 2020
October 28, 2020
going to this open mic thing my bf is hosting tonight and I really don't want to go. like I'm just gonna sit there with anxiety by myself cuz he'll be busy playing music. should only be 3 hrs and I hope it goes by fast. I'm so tired. been awake since 8am. i watched some really weird fucking movie called Skins (Pieles). then a decent one called Cadaver. anyway, supposedly this is gonna be a weekly thing every wednesday. makes me annoyed. I better get more psychedelics for this dammit. 😁
gotta go finish my hair then leave.... sigh.....
October 26, 2020
October 18, 2020
finally got a new car battery. hated being stuck at home all week. this weekend I went in a friend's hot tub and got crazy bruises all over my legs and arms from smacking around the tub. I'm hurtin'. we got our Halloween costumes. I hope the size is correct and the outfit fits well cuz I won't have time to return it for a different size.
October 13, 2020
everything is sucking right now
so my phone is off cuz the bill. my bf tried texting me 10 times today but i didn't get them because my phone was off and didn't know it. then he called me somehow which I can't figure out how cause my phone was off... but he told me his car battery too is not working. so both of our cars have broken batteries. he's calling AAA tonight... I am having them come tomorrow to jump my car so I can get it to the car place I got my last battery. my battery has a warrantee for 5 years and my battery is only 3 years old. so they should swap it out for free. I told my bf the same info 'cause we both have the same battery brand. wtf tho that ours both randomly messed up like that and we have the same brand.
so I gotta do that and figure out my phone to get the data turned back on. thank GOD it wasn't turned off yesterday when my car didn't start at the gas station.
October 12, 2020
barely slept the past 3 days or so. had late party nights, going out and waking early and shopping around. we went to the Halloween store Friday to look for my Bunny mask I keep trying to obtain. still out of stock. went out Friday night and got trashed but of course ;o) and like 3 friends passed out at the house. once they left we went back out again Saturday night, drunk off my ass. then Sunday my bf had work and I ran around shopping with my sister and mom 'cause I was bored. once he got off work he then had his band pals over to do a photoshoot which they made me get in a couple. >_> ugh. I was so tired at that point from the previous late nights and early mornings. but of course they wanted to go out and grab drinks so I tagged along and was beyond exhausted. the night was okayish. I wasn't my normal drunken upbeat self though.
so I left home this morning and followed my bf to the gas station... as he was leaving the gas station to head to the tattoo shop, my fucking car wouldn't start. so I texted him like don't leave yet my car isn't starting. no answer as I watched him drive off >:| so I called him like 20 times and no answer. so I panicked and almost cried so I called my sister... she tried messaging him too. no reply. so I sat there at a gas pump and had a panic attack. I texted my friend Paige and asked her if he was in work yet and if so tell him to call me. he FINALLY called back, his notifications were off of course. so he comes back and helps me jump my car. it ended up working after like 15 - 20 mins. so I made it back to my house. I'm gonna have my sister's bf check the battery. might need a new one. sigh.
one funny, nice thing. this weekend we went out to Home Depot 'cause my bf was getting stuff to make some craft project or whatever. I went in lookin' hella plain but my hair was in 2 space buns. normal, average clothes (imo), no makeup... and some elderly woman was like "you look like a little doll. like you would have a wind up thing in your back. she kept going on and on about the doll thing and said with my little backpack and all was cute and doll like lol it was funny, but yea I looked meh that day so it was nice to hear. I also lost 2 more lbs. so I lost 8 total so far.
I really need sleep.
October 7, 2020
hair fail
people make me so sick. I am watching That Chapter on YouTube and have been binge watching his videos for a week now. He's such a good crime YouTuber. dude is in a league of his own. but what's annoying is when murderers rather kill their spouses than get a divorce??? I just don't get that. so many fucking weirdos out there man. I am so paranod out in the world but I think that's a good thing 'cause I am aware. but I pretty much think everyone is up to no good. on my way home from my bf's this morning I noticed some guy parked in the Savannah's nature trail parking lot. like, what was he doing? hiding a body?? people may laugh but it happens. sometimes I think people that have been behind me for a while on the road are creeps stalking me. yea I think all my life being so into true crime stories it's got me overly aware of everyone!
period started. cramps are severe. back to low carb eating after 3 days of eating shitty. gotta get back on track!!! going to watch ome movie called The Dark Red and finish my coffee.
October 5, 2020
September 29, 2020
weekend full
my weekend was full of parties, psychedelics, alcohol etc. I'm just now done recovering. we went to dinner with a bunch of friends for my boyfriend's birthday on Saturday. then headed out & got shitfaced. I slept practically 2 whole days. had to order 2 new ponytail extensions since my others got tangled/ruined because I had previously used chemicals on them. I'm going to tone the new ones with purple shampoo instead of chemicals. hope that helps keep them nice.
might go out to taco Tuesday tonight. if it ends up raining, gonna head to get Mexican food at a different restaurant that's indoors. I can't wait until it started to get cooler out here... but that doesn't usually happen until mid October. I need to get my Halloween costumes soon. I need 2.
September 16, 2020
after months of a broken gaming computer I finally am able to use the gaming laptop. my brother is giving me his. back to Overwatch, bitch!
Chintzy still doesn't like being picked up. he's still super skiddish and it makes me so sad. at least he's super active in his cage. constantly running on his wheels and comes out a lot. he's just scared of movement :( and doesn't want to be held. ugh
stupid hurricanes are active a lot but I hope so bad they don't hit FL in my area.
my bf's b'day is coming and we're renting a hotel on the beach together <3 he wanted to rent a cabin in the springs but it's completely booked.
September 10, 2020
created 9/10/20
I want to use this to post anything and everything. Ever since I accidentally deleted my Tumblr blog/website I've missed posting blog entries. The Tumblr I have now is mostly for re-blogging other people's things I find appealing. So this is more for me to post more than just pictures. Recipes my boyfriend and I try out, fashion and makeup things and general blogging. I want to buy a domain name to redirect to this so I can have my own again. So that will be coming soon as it is in the works. 👍